CFD Simulations
Fire, smoke and Hazardous Gas Dispersion simulation model based on CFD techniques
The software can be applied to fire propagation, fire suppression and smoke management simulations in any type of buildings as well as for general thermal modeling. It can be used to calculate safety and comfort indicators for the design and construction of buildings. To this end, the software takes into account environmental conditions, HVAC systems, air flow velocity, temperature, relative humidity, thermal radiation and contaminants. All buildings objects like walls, floors etc. can be modelled with their thermal/combustion properties. The same applies to doors, windows and furniture. HVAC devices can transport contaminants and heat through the building and are modelled as specialized boundary conditions.

Areas of Application
- Home Land Security Sector for the simulation of fire and toxic gas dispersion events. Evaluation of CFD results according to human safety factors.
- Coupling with crowd simulation application.
- Simulation of fire spread in tunnels. Dimensioning of tunnel lining subject to thermal loads.
- Estimation of thermal loads and thermal resistance of structures.
- Indoor climate prediction with emphasis to thermal comfort.
- Architectural resign of building or building blocks in urban environment for harnessing wind flow for natural ventilation purposes.
- Automatic exchange of data between CFD and Structural analysis application.